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Education Magazine - Series 2 Special Edition - ALN Act 2018 Seminar

Education Magazine - Series 2 Special Edition - ALN Act 2018 Seminar

In anticipation of the implementation of the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018, coming up in September 2021, Michael Charles invites Christopher McFarland and Charlotte Hadfield to discuss the specifics of the act, the potential implications of it and provide advice to some of our audience's questions.

The panel talk through the presentation slides prepared by Chris, (available here: ALN Act 2018 ), discussing the key features/changes/definitions of the act, the duty to decide, the individual development plan (IDP), reconsideration & appeal, and implementation.

Miichael Charles - Senior Solicitor & CEO, SinclairsLaw

Christopher McFarland - Associate Solicitor, SInclairsLaw

Charlotte Hadfield - Barrister, 3PB

You can watch the full seminar here:

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