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Presentation on School Bullying - The practical and legal consequences

In November last year a 13 year old boy tragically killed himself due to bullying. His mother wrote; “I know you’re pain-free now son and they can’t pick on you anymore, but this shouldn’t have had to happen" His school wrote; "Let me be very clear: no allegation of bullying against this young person was made to our school,” Yet it is common for victims not to complain. The Key is to learn how to detect the signs. 18th May 2017 - Anti Bullying Seminar. 4.30pm Sinclairslaw Headquarters. Churchill Way Central Cardiff. Hear from a panel of expert Psychiatrists, Educational Psychologists, and specialists in learning disabilities. Learn how to detect classic signs that a child is being bullied or bullying others. Learn about the long term mental health consequences into adulthood. Learn the effective methods introduced in some schools. Learn about the importance of talking to our children and the massively important role a parent has. Learn how parental prejudices however harboured can rub off on our children so easily. Why a parent has an important role to play. Learn what a school can do to help. What methods are working. How buddy systems operate. Then learn of the legal consequences. Speaking up should never be absorbed by silence. Reserve your place now by e mailing education@sinclairslaw.co.uk